Project Puentes

Across our educational and health care systems, there are barriers of language, accessibility and awareness that prevent some in our community from meeting their children’s academic needs, and their physical and mental health. We need to build bridges and break down these walls!
Project Puentes (Bridges) is a new initiative to support and train local immigrant parents to become child service navigators and offer language support services to their immigrant parent peers in Port Washington, NY and the North Shore of Long Island.
With language support embedded throughout the local area and primarily in the school district and across health care offices, non-English speaking Port parents will more easily communicate with their children’s’ teachers and health care providers – an opportunity that should be accessible to all parents in Port Washington regardless of the language/s you speak at home. Additionally, by supporting the Project Puentes Fund, you are making an investment towards increased economic equity in Port Washington. Child service navigation and language interpreter training will allow community members to gain professional skills, build their resumes, and be paid accordingly for their valuable skills.


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